Dec 31, 2022
Brexit and the transfer of personal data
Between the UK and the EU We recommend you to read this interesting article written by our firm for the magazine FOCUS (Winter 2023 issue)
Jul 12, 2021
Personal data can now flow freely between the EU and the UK
On 28 June 2021, the European Commission adopted two adequacy decisions for the United Kingdom - one under the General Data Protection...
Jun 25, 2021
Despite Brexit, the UK remains an attractive place to do business. This is owing to its steadfast entrepreneurial culture, its economy...
Jun 2, 2021
What happens to EU Trade Marks in the UK post Brexit?
On 1 January 2021, the UK left the EU Trade Mark (EUTM) system administered by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Several...
Mar 17, 2021
Brexit and the education sector
We have the recording of a webinar on "Education sector - Sponsoring students from the EU" ready for you to listen if you missed it or...
Jan 8, 2021
Brexit Trade and Co-Operation Agreement
Brexit Trade and Co-Operation Agreement The end of the Transition Period with the EU arrived at 11pm on 31st December 2020. A Trade and...
Dec 2, 2020
EU nationals and the UK: what next ?
We have the recording of our webinar on "EU nationals and the UK: what next?" ready for you to listen if you missed it or part of it....
Dec 2, 2020
Exporting goods to businesses in the EU from 1st January 2021
From 1st January 2021, all businesses that are exporting goods to businesses in the EU are required to make Customs declarations via the...
Feb 4, 2020
How is UK law operating in the post-Brexit era?
A brief note on what law applies in the Uk from exit day
Mar 30, 2019
Brexit or not Brexit?
On 29 March 2019, the House of Commons voted against a government motion for the approval of the withdrawal agreement (but not the...
Mar 27, 2019
What impact will Brexit have on EU nationals currently working in the UK or willing to work in the U
It is not yet certain what rules on immigration and free movement of people will be in place following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU....
Mar 25, 2019
Steps for companies to take in case of no-deal Brexit
Please see below the link of the guidance published by Companies House with steps that companies need to take in the scenario that the UK...
Dec 11, 2018
Failure to publish the legal advice
Following a vote by the House of Commons in favour of a motion finding ministers in contempt for their failure to publish the full legal...
Jan 30, 2018
European Commission publishes notice on consequences of Brexit for distributors and manufacturers
The European Commission has published a notice setting out the consequences of Brexit for UK "economic operators" (manufacturers,...
Jan 16, 2018
Trade Bill 2017-2019 receives second reading in House of Commons
The Trade Bill 2017-2019, one of the measures intended to enable the government to make various trade arrangements post-Brexit, received...
Nov 21, 2017
Government announces Withdrawal Agreement and Implementation Bill
The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, has announced that a Withdrawal Agreement and Implementation Bill...
Oct 14, 2017
European Council to postpone its assessment on Brexit negotiations?
The European Parliament has adopted a non-legislative Resolution on the state of play of the Brexit negotiations with the UK. The...
Aug 25, 2017
UK government publishes position paper on post-Brexit customs arrangements
The UK government has published a position paper setting out its preferences for the UK's future customs arrangements in relation to...
Jul 14, 2017
The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill is ready !
The day after triggering Brexit, the government published details of its "Great Repeal Bill". Described by Theresa May as an "essential...
Jun 29, 2017
GDPR will still apply to British companies despite Brexit !
The UK’s information commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has insisted that UK companies should continue to prepare for GDPR, urging “I don’t...